Children managed school farm project

The UYDT is an indigenous community based organisation that works in the Eastern region of Uganda since 2017. Consciousness raising, training, education and information sharing are UYDT’S key strategies to enable the rural people to recognise and embody common vision and values and work together to create for peace, prosperity, health, freedom and happiness.

UYDT witnessed that the rural schools in Bukedea district lack capacity to provide education that support young people to awaken their sleeping genius, and become visionary, self-learning, confident, responsible entrepreneurial and competent citizens who can make a decent living in a rural setting: UYDT’s  long term goal.

Education as a key  for personal and home development is obviously not a topic to argue about. However, in Uganda, the access to quality education is only for the happy few due to multiple reasons. The government aided primary schools in rural communities are underfunded, overcrowded and therefore not very successful in producing young people that have entrepreneurial and other skills to create wealth, health and happiness for themselves, their homes and communities, often rural schools have insufficient funding to provide lunch to the pupils while research shows that pupils having no meals at schools perform more poorly genius. As a result the current education system does not breed many young people with entrepreneurial minds and skills. This has a serious impact on socio – economic growth of the country.

 Our goal is to contribute to systems to systems change in the education sector in Uganda. it will be implemented in close collaboration with the partner schools and counterparts in local government. It aims to promote primary children-centered learning and the 2 – generation approach to education in rural schools.

The project will ensure supplementary, nutritious food for primary children during school lunchtime. The school will use the gardens a straining ground for the children and parents to learn sustainable agricultural practices and nutrition-sensitive farming and its linkage with health and home development.

This project will benefit the rural poor children in rural communities under extreme poverty who go to school under difficult conditions compared to urban children. Our program aims at improving performance in rural schools where children of the poor go to school in order to support them be able to commit with children of the rich in terms of getting good grades. In Uganda, the gap between the poor and the rich is very big yet 80% of the children in school come from families living in extreme poverty (Below $1 a day)

The project activities include; 

  • Organise orientation workshops (4) for stake holders at all levels. As a result the stakeholders will have Shared expected outputs, outcomes and impact of the project;  Alignment that pupils are co – designers and managers of the school farms;
  • Clarity on the URDT 2-generation approach, back home projects and project principles. Back home project as an important strategy for home improvement
  • Developed training manuals and materials in consultation with the extension workers of the UYDT programme.
  • Organise the purchase of educational materials and basic inputs (like hoes, watering cans, wheel barrows, seeds)
  • Support regular training of the pupils on relevant topics, including good farm management practices
  • Support farm produce exhibitions and meetings with parents to introduce back home projects
  • Organise exchange visits a amongst exemplar club members (youth ventures)
  • Attend and conduct meetings with stake holders
  • Report writing and printing of final research find