Impaired but independent

In the UYDT programs; people with disabilities are referred to as being impaired. People with an impairment / disabilities are like all other people. They have dreams, ambitions and hopes for the future; including education, access to health care, a decent job, partner and a family. Due to misguided beliefs and social prejudices and mental models, they are excluded and denied information and access to certain resources in life, leaving them amongst the most marginalized group and neglected. UYDT promotes rehabilitation of people with disabilities by contributing to “impaired but Independent project” UYDT ensures that the people with disabilities are given chance to create for themselves an independent life they wish to live decently.

For UYDT, inclusive education of people with disabilities / impairments is one of the most important components of its strategy. it is estimated that 60 million people in developing countries have disabilities, half of whom are out of school. In the poorest regions in Africa, not even 10 per cent of the people with disabilities did not even set their feet to a classroom. In addition even those people with impairment that are at school, are less likely to stay in school and being promoted. people with disabilities are often excluded from mainstream education. The disability of the people is not the biggest barriers are caused by the attitude of the society.

What we at UYDT want to achieve is an inclusive society in which people with disabilities enjoy equal rights and opportunities of life.